About Us


The Mission of the Mad River Valley Backcountry Coalition is to provide safe and sustainable non-motorized multiple-use trails and backcountry ski/snowboard zones for the enjoyment of area residents and visitors.  

We are here to

• Serve as a voice for those who value access to non-motorized winter recreation in the Mad River Valley and adjacent areas.

• Promote self-propelled, winter recreation such as backcountry skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing on public and private lands by maintaining trails, glades and trail access in an ecologically responsible manner.

• Promote environmental awareness, responsible trail use, and backcountry safety.

• Assist, where requested and appropriate, through information gathering, education and public service, in the management of glades and trails.

MRVBC is a chapter of the Catamount Trail Association's (CTA) 

Skiing powder with dog

Board of Directors (Learn more)

Executive Committee 

At-Large Board Members

Advisory Committee



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